Impressive performance

Winkhaus wins Wiener Fensterkongress award

They started attracting positive attention as soon as they were online: The new microsites and received the prestigious award of the Wiener Fensterkongress (Vienna Window Congress) in the category “Website of the year”.

Window and door professionals from the DACH region met in Vienna on 23 and 24 June. The Congress was held under the motto “Digitalisation, sustainability, markets”. Presentations by leading industry representatives, market and economic experts as well as panel discussions and an exhibition awaited the participants. Key topics included opportunities and challenges, the current European market development, the latest trends and the effects of digitalisation and sustainability on the industry.

Companies were also commended for their outstanding performance: Winkhaus received the “Website of the year” award for its microsites for electronic access control systems. The company received praise for the attractive and well-structured presentation of the innovative technology. Various tools – such as explanatory videos, product descriptions, informative and high-quality product images and FAQs – clearly explain the important information. The jury also liked the product configurator, which interested users can use to put together their own blueCompact locking system online at any time to request an individual offer from Winkhaus specialist retailers for this configuration.


Pressemitteilung Glänzender Auftritt

