Aug. Winkhaus SE & Co. KG
Berkeser Str. 6
98617 Meiningen
Register for training
Start: at 9:00 am
End: at 16:30 p.m
€69.00 net per person*
Content of the training
What’s new?
- Assembly of various retrofit products in accordance with DIN 18104–1
- Assembly of various retrofit products in accordance with DIN 18104–2
- Assembly of various retrofit products for doors
Reference to standards and guidelines for burglary resistance in windows, doors and other building openings
o VdS guidelines for mechanical safety systems
o DIN 18104 Part 1: Screw-on retrofit products
o DIN 18252 (DIN 18254): Profile cylinders for door locks
o DIN 18257 (DIN EN 1906): Security fittings for residential entrance doors
o DIN ENV 1627 et seq.: Test conditions/resistance classes
Police studies on burglary, statistics, perpetrators
- Criminal police findings, burglary methods, statistics
- Weak points and possible solutions
- Advisory/prevention system of criminal police
Procedure for retrofitting windows and doors
o Winkhaus retrofit products in accordance with DIN 18104–2
o Working steps for retrofit of fitting components, tools
o Checklists, mounting instructions and assembly aids
o Components identification
o Fitting selection, profile determination, airgap measurement
o Presentation: Template for proposal preparation
Measures for (retrofit) fastening technology in masonry
o Stabilisation of frames for masonry, general
o Fastening techniques
o Spacer screws, window screws
o Installation errors and resulting weak points
- Exchange of practical experience
- Questions and suggestions
*Invoicing takes place after the end of the event.